Docks & Dock Management
2024 Dock Slip Rentals
A limited number of dock slips are available for rent to Amston Lake District residents with taxes in good standing only, at both Main Beach and Lollipop Beach. The season runs from May 1 through October 15.
The cost is $110 per slip per season for boats up to 5’ 8” wide and 14’6” long. The cost is $220 for larger boats (catamarans and pontoon boats) up to 8′ wide and ranging from 14’6″ or longer but not to exceed 20’. Once allotted, there will not be any refunds.
All slips are chosen by a lottery, held this year on Saturday, April 27. Lottery is limited to one entry per family and entries for a given boat (identified by their ALD tag) may only be submitted by one family. Click here to print the Dock Lottery Request form. Please complete the form and submit before the deadline of April 25, 2024. Indicate your first choice of dock location – Main Beach or Lollipop Beach (see photos below) – and if, and only if, you would accept the alternate location, circle your second choice. If you are open to a second location you’ll have a better chance of securing an available slip. If your name is selected and there are no slips available at your first choice, you will be offered a slip at the other dock. Note: Heavy electric-powered pontoon boats may only utilize the docks at Lollipop Beach.
The lottery drawing notice is sent out each year via eblast in mid-April and the lottery drawing will take place this year at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at David Arnold’s home, 34 Ames Road, Hebron. You need not be present; however, if you do wish to be there, please let him know in advance by calling 860-228-1944. Everyone entered in the dock lottery will be notified of the results and the winners will be sent a rental agreement. Please respond with a signed contract and check by May 21 to ensure that you obtain your dock slip.
Lottery applications must be received by Dave Arnold no later than April 25, 2024. They may be submitted by email at [email protected] or mailed to:
David Arnold
34 Ames Rd
Amston, CT 06231
The ALD Docks Committee will not be responsible for entries lost in the mail.
For questions please email [email protected] or by calling Dave Arnold at 860-228-1944.
Terms of Rental
ALD has the right to reassign boat slips to optimize use of its dock space.
- Renter will back into the slip and secure their boat with the stern next to but not up against the dock.
- Renter will use bumpers so that the sides of their boat do not touch the dock, and adequately secure their boat with rope (bungee lines are not acceptable).
- Renter will keep only their own boat at the dock slip and may not sub-rent the space to anyone else.
- Renter’s boat will have an up-to-date ALD boat pass/sticker.
- Renter will not leave any materials on the dock.
- Renter will maintain their boat so that it has a neat appearance and empty it of water at a minimum frequency of every two weeks.
- Renter will remove their boat and equipment from the boat slip no later than October 15.
- If Renter’s boat is not removed by October 15, the ALD may remove the boat at renter’s expense in accordance with ALD ordinances.
- All ALD ordinances apply.
If Renter fails to remove their boat at the end of the rental period or termination date, whichever is earlier, Renter agrees that the ALD may remove the boat at Renter’s expense. ALD will not be responsible for any subsequent loss or damages as a result of enforcing this provision.
Renter agrees to hold ALD harmless for any damages or loss for any reason to their boat or the boat’s equipment or contents, or damages to any person or property caused by Renter’s boat. ALD will not be liable for any injury or damage to persons or property caused by existing or future dock defects or the conduct of other persons on the boat dock. ALD will not be liable for any hidden defect in the dock, nor will ALD be liable for any injury or damage to owners or their property caused by, but not limited to, vandalism, water, rain, wind, or acts of God.

Lollipop Beach Dock

Main Beach Dock