Boat Inspector Contacts
Amston Lake is a private lake solely for the use of its Tax District residents. The launching of boats from trailers is the primary reason that invasive weeds are being spread from lake to lake in CT. When a lake becomes infected, it can drastically reduce swimming and boating enjoyment. Treatment to eradicate the weeds is very expensive, and not always successful. If invasive weeds persist, there is typically a major loss in property values.
The Amston Lake District requires that all boat/trailers entering the lake must first be inspected at the Main Beach launch area. Trailer launch of boats is prohibited from private property or anywhere other than the Main Beach boat launch.
We hope that for the safety of our lake you will use your boat exclusively in Amston Lake. However, if you do visit another lake, you should air dry your boat, trailer, and fishing gear for at least a week (warm and no rain).
Beach and Boat Launch Hours: 7:00 am to 9:00 p.m. 2024 boat/trailer inspectors on call (when available):
Carl Wool | Phone: 860-334-9754 |
Al Fichtel | Phone: 860-338-4300 |
Jim Delisle | Phone: 860-707-6512 |
Dave Arnold | Phone: 860-228-1944 |
Marge Arnold | Phone: 860-228-1944 |
We are always looking for responsible boat inspectors to join our team. Contact Dave Arnold for more information.